Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2013
Hôtel National des Invalides as part of the European Heritage Days
Saint-Louis des Invalides - Paris
As part of the 2013 European Heritage Days and with the support of the Fondation François Sommer pour la Chasse et la Nature, the Fondation pour le Rayonnement de la Trompe Musicale and the Musée de l'Armée jointly presented a scientific and musical programme.
Saturday 14th September
• 15:00 - Performance of L'Écho à l'Empereur under the Dôme des Invalides by the Rallye Trompes des Vosges (free admissions within venue capacity).
• 16:00 - Horn and Organ Concert at the Cathedral Saint-Louis des Invalides, with works from the classical and contemporary horn repertoire by the Rallye Trompes des Vosges and organist Éric Ampeau on the Grand Organ.
Sunday 15th September
• 10:45 - Mass for horns and organ in memory of the French Resistance fighter Pierre Messmer at the Saint-Louis Cathedral. Grand fanfare in honour of the invalids.
• 14:30 - Fanfares by the Rallye Trompes de Paris, accompanied by soloists of the Trompes des Vosges Rally, in the Cour du Dôme.
• 16:00 - Concert by the Formation des Trompes de Chasse de l’Orchestre de la Garde Républicaine at the Saint-Louis Cathedral.
Photos © Olivier Martel