The mission of the Fondation pour le Rayonnement de la Trompe Musicale (Foundation for the promotion of the hunting horn, FRTM), as established by its founders and by the Fondation de France – under whose auspices the FRTM is placed –, is primarily to promote the recognition of the hunting horn as a concert instrument in its own right.
For the hunting horn to be appreciated by music lovers, at least four conditions must be met: first, the existing repertoire for hunting horn solos or horn with ensembles must be known, programmed, recorded and disseminated. This also means that it must be played – or, as we say, “sounded” (sonnée) – in places devoted to music. Thirdly, it is important that contemporary composers write for the instrument, or at least include it in their works. Finally, we propose that the hunting horn be taught like any other musical instrument, in order to train skilled instrumentalists capable of promoting it, whether in an orchestral setting or elsewhere.
This resolutely artistic vision is what motivates the FRTM and its founders. It is part of a trend illustrated over the last several decades by talented “sounders” such as Hubert Heinrich, Sylvain Oudot, Guyaume Vollet, Nicolas Dromer, Christian Conte and others, as well as by distinguished groups such as the Débuché de Paris, Rallye Trompes des Vosges, Rallye Atlantique, Trompes de Bonne, and the Trompes Royales Dampierre – a trend initiated, lest we forget, by the Marquis de Dampierre himself during the 18th century.
The FRTM exists to serve the interests of the hunting horn, working alongside all those who help to ensure that it remains a living and vibrant tradition.
Sophie de Laporte, president and co-founder
Louis Cottin, vice president and co-founder
Éric Peuchot, foundation delegate

Photos © Olivier Martel, Olivier Bizard