Saturday September 9, 2023
Ateliers Perrault, Mauges-sur-Loire
​Concert of the Sounders of the Dromer Musical Institute at the Ateliers Perrault (Mauges-sur-Loire, 49)
As an introduction to the European Heritage Days
The weekend preceding the European Heritage Days, Ateliers Perrault, an approved Historical Monuments company holding the contract for restoration work on the framework of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, organized a presentation to the public of the restored framework of the choir of Our Lady.
Several thousand people were able over these three days to come and admire the remarkable work of the journeyman carpenters who showed with passion and immense pride the fruit of their ardent labor.
As the highlight of these Days, Saturday September 9, the pipers of the Dromer Musical Institute, Jérome Amelot, French champion, Gustave Cuypers, French champion, international bass champion, Florian Nalin, French champion, Clément Lekeux, trio champion, Guillaume Cintrat, trio champion, led by their director, Nicolas Dromer, international champion on all desks, offered under the immense big top a concert of great emotion and deep intensity, the audience being as if transported to the Ile de la Cité, under the high vaults of the cathedral, where so many times, thanks to the FRTM, for more than ten years, the horn has sounded during memorable masses of Saint-Hubert with the Rallye Trompes de Vosges, the Débuché de Paris or the Rallye Atlantique.
Photo © Franck Gallen - Pix Machine