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Sunday November 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Notre-Dame Church of Versailles

Mass of Saint-Hubert at the Notre-Dame de Versailles church

With the sounders of the Rallye Trompes d’Yauville, under the direction of Jérome Duchalais

A church and concert instrument, the horn sounded by the Rallye Trompes d'Yauville (RTY) contributes, with the support of the Frtm, to the musical entertainment of the Saint-Hubert mass celebrated at Notre-Dame de Versailles, parish of the castle.

 Several thousand people were able over these three days to come and admire the remarkable work of the journeyman carpenters who showed with passion and immense pride the fruit of their ardent labor.

The Trompes d'Yauville Rally, so named in memory of Jacques d'Yauville, commander of the royal hunting for 56 years under Louis XV and Louis XVI, and for this honored with the High Sponsorship of Mgr Prince Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou carries the tradition of fanfares performed at Versailles from Dampierre to contribute to the majesty and splendor of the royal hunts.
The RTY, which brings together people from Versailles, rehearses every Wednesday evening in the Fausses-Reposes forest, at the foot of the large beech tree on Allée Royale. The group's fanfare, La Rallye Trompes d'Yauville, to the rhythm of the minuet and a little horse gallop, was composed by Sylvain Oudot.
The RTY thanks Father Guillaume Boidot for his welcome.


Photo © DR - Notre-Dame de Versailles Parish

Messe avec le Rallye Trompes d’Yauville, N-D de versailles, 12/11/2023. © Jacques Postel
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