Sunday, January 29, 2023
Church of Sainte-Trinité in Paris
Mass of Saint-Hubert and horn concert Institute
at Sainte-Trinité church
Sophie de Laporte and Nicolas Dromer with the sounders of the Rallye Trompes d'Yauville
The sounders of Île-de-France, gathered at the Sainte-Trinité church for a mass of Saint-Hubert and a horn concert, sounded the honors in tribute to Sophie de Laporte, president of the FRTM, here welcomed by Nicolas Dromer, delegate of the Île-de-France delegation of the FITF and by the ringers of the Rallye Trompes d'Yauville.
The FRTM, with its president Sophie de Laporte, joined on Sunday January 29, 2023 at the Sainte-Trinité church in Paris the Île-de-France delegation of the FITF, led by Nicolas Dromer, for a great music festival with a postponed Saint-Hubert mass and a horn concert in which four groups of pipers took part: the Rallye Vau-Vent, the Bien-Allé de Chennevières-sur-Marne, the Trompes du Club Périnet and the Rallye Trompes d'Yauville, joined by sounders from Rambouillet, the Pont d'Iéna or the Parc aux Cerfs in Versailles.
Almost 80 sounders, under the direction of Nicolas Dromer, animated the morning mass and offered an afternoon concert alternating traditional songs and musical pieces to the delight of an informed public.
Nicolas Dromer sounded on a solo horn, or accompanied by the great organ, interpreting the compositions with the new tone horn that the FRTM has made available to him so that he can sound in the orchestra, according to the required key, without it is necessary to rewrite the partitions in D!
The FRTM is delighted with the dynamism of the Île-de-France delegation of the FITF and the charisma of its delegate.
Photo: Henri Aubry / Frtm